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is perceived as the founder of today’s anti aging medication. It was initially brought out to the west in the beginning of 1950’s by the inventor Dr. Ana Aslan who was a Romanian gerontologist.Ever since, Gerovital has undergone very high glamour and marketing hype in addition to an existing controversy in relation to science.

The marketing propaganda is noted to be influenced by the glamour connected many renowned users of Gerovital. There are many celebrities that were reported to be regular visitors of Aslan’s clinic such as Winston Churchill, German Chancellor Konrad Adenaner, Jack Benny, Bob hope, Cary Grant, Prince Rainer the Aga Khan, Marilyn Monroe and other ‘glitterati.’

The scientific contradictions related to Gerovital have resulted due to the disagreement and confusion behind the chemical composition of Gerovital in addition to its mechanism of action.

Gerovital H3 - stabilizers and procaine hydrochloride formula

Dr. Aslan provided the definition of Gerovital as procaine (which is the renowned dental anesthetic) that was stabilized with small quantities of disodium phosphate, potassium metabisulphate and benzoic acid. However, there were scientific distracters of Gerovital that never had any of its clinical experience had views that the stabilizers were unnecessary hence irrelevant.

Therefore, a number small scale and short term trials were set up with respect to the use of procaine alone, which surprisingly never confirmed the rejuvenation effects of Aslan’s Gerovital. The claims went ahead and pointed that the multi faceted success and many years of clinical experience with patients of using Gerovital was fraud, quackery, delusion or a mere placebo effect.

It is good to note that this is the usual procedure utilized by the medical establishment for debunking of the issues that were perceived as heresy. For instance during the 1970’s Nobel Laureate Dr. Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling experienced significant clinical success in the treating of cancer using a mega doses of Vitamin C. With respect to their clinical experience, they discovered that the therapy was reliable only to the patients whose immune system has never been affected by radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Mega doses of Vitamin C were ran in trials by The Mayo clinic with cancer patients all who had previously experienced X ray treatment and surprisingly sound that the Pauling procedure never worked.

Another similar incidence can be related to that of the Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in the 1970’s who set up trials that focused on the cancer remedy laetrile. It also substantially deviated from the careful documentation and published protocols that were preceded by clinicians with laetrile to which they also realized that laetrile did not work.

Recently, a trial by the detractors of candida yeast syndrome who utilized the antifungal drug Nystatin never found any benefits to the patients since they never recognized the need to administer the drug together with some low sugar (for starving of the yeast) as it was routinely performed by doctors that successfully treated candida patients. This shows that Gerovital is not the only one with regards to this issue.

Gerovital GH3 and KH3 – what are the differences?

There was indirect support to the claims of Aslan that procaine required stabilizers for clinical efficacy provided ironically through a study on the German ‘copy’ of Gerovital identified as KH3.

KH3 can also be defined as one half the dose of Gerovital (50mg vs,100mg) that is stabilized with small amounts of hematorporphyrin (HP). This can be perceived as hemoglobin without its iron and protein. Studies with KH3 done in 1979 by D. Hegner at the Munich Institute for Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy and by L.Tirri at the Chemistry Department of the University of Nevada in Las Vegas found out that HP, as a stabilizer of procaine, was more effective.

The real thing...

The issue of stability is a resultant of the fact that in specific conditions procaine has the capacity to hydrolyze in solution into diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) which is closely related to DMAE and the B vitamin para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA).

Both opponents and supporters of Gerovital claim that this constituents are the ones which exhibit the benefits of Gerovital. Due to the similarity between DEAE and DMAE and have the capacity to be metabolized in the body, there are numerous pseudo Gerovital’s purchased in health food shops that are a mixture of DMAE and PABA. However, Gerovital consists of properties that are not present in either DMAE or PABA.

The most significant benefits of Gerovital may be seen from its role as a mild, reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). MAO is an enzyme existing in the brain that substantially increases with age. MAO is known to degrade the fundamental brain neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline (also identified as norepinephrine), dopamine and serotonin. Consequently, the level of these neurotransmitters in the brain tend to depreciate with age also accompanied by a concomitant loss of the functions of the brain (such as hormone regulation, attention span, memory) in addition to severe depression.

Gerovital is a mild, fully reversible mono-amine oxidase inhibitor

Dr. Joseph Hrachovac who is the renowned gerontologist of the University of California in the late 1960’s reported that Gerovital has the capacity to substantially decrease the levels of MAO activity in the brain. In addition, according to M.D. MacFarlane with respect to the prestigious Journal of Federation Proceedings in 1975 that Gerovital was a weak, reversible, fully competitive inhibitor of MAO.’

The capacity of Gerovital to serve in this manner is highly substantial. The legit pharmaceutical antidepressants were MAOIs but they became disuse as a result of dangerous side effects (sic). These pharmaceutical MAOIs were irreversible and strong and suspected to have the capacity to cause a condition referred to as the cheese effect. This is viewed as where by the consumptions of various foods and beverages that are rich in the amino acid derivative tyramine - while at the same time taking prescription MAOIs has the capacity to cause very high blood pressure incidence and even strokes.

However, since Gerovital is a mild, reversible MAOI, that fails to show this dangerous side effect.

Gerovital’s medical and anti-aging protocols

A number of clinical studies have been published in the journal Psychosomatics in 1974 that proved the effectiveness of Gerovital while viewed as an antidepressant. Gerovital has been reported by W.G Zung of Duke University said Gerovital was showing greater effectiveness with relation to the standard antidepressant present at that time (Ed - Imipramine). Ditman and Colman reported that most patients who received Gerovital had a feeling of relaxation and well-being, no longer experienced insomnia in addition to being freed from depression and the discomfort brought by degenerative disease and chronic inflammation.

In addition, the researchers M.R. Hall and the counterparts reported in the Journal of Age and Aging in 1983 with respect to a trial involving 247 healthy elderly subjects who had taken KH3 over two years; that the results of the trial indicated KH3 to be an active substance where earlier studies indicated that it improved the memory, increased psychomotor activity and the strength of muscles in the elderly.

Through the increase of brain serotonin there is a capacity of MAOI improving sleep through the increase of noradrenaline in the brain, it would also improve memory and attention and also with the increase in the levels of dopamine it has the capacity to increase the strength of muscles and the psychomotor activity.

A study was held at Vienna in 1970 for 5 months where 120 people were given KH3 and 112 given placebo. The results indicated that the KH3 group exhibited better memory for numbers, were more alert and had excellent concentration with better coordination of the hands and eyes. The report was given by W. Czerwenka in the Vienna Medical Weekly Journal.

Some additional benefits of Gerovital H3 reported in clinican reserach published papers:

The stabilization of the brain cell membranes in manners that reverse the usual aging related membrane deterioration

Increase in the general rate of intracellular metabolic rate (especially in the muscle cells)

Increase in the intracellular levels of DNA (which is essential for maximal regeneration and the repair of wear and tear induced by aging)

Gerovital’s supreme benefit

However, what can be perceived as the most substantial ant aging benefit of Gerovital in addition to the cause of their diverse clinical benefits that range from fatigue, depression and stress minimization, reduction of insomnia, memory improvement and decreasing hypertension is generally not known even to the supporters of the program.

gerovital testimonialsAlfred Sapse in a landmark paper that was published in the Journal of Hypotheses, Stress, Cortisol, Interferon and Stress Diseases consisting of 14 pages and 62 references described that cortisol, the ‘state of siege’ hormone that is secreted by the adrenal glands has the capacity to cause a host of the physical and mental issues that are related to stress and aging and degenerative disease. Recently, the fundamental role of cortisol in the promotion of degenerative disease and aging has been further explained by Dean and Dilman in their magnum opus which is the Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging and Degenerative Disease, by Robert Sapolsky in his scientific papers and books why Zebras Don’t get ulcers and more recently by D.S. Khalsa in his 1997 book- Brain longevity.

It can simply be explained that in the long term cortisol damages the brain, immune system, skin, bone and muscles.

The fundamental regulatory center of the brain which is the hippocampus has the capacity to gradually lose 20% of its cells to its distinct sensitivity to cortisol damage. The hippocampus which is aid brain structure that is well placed above the hypothalamus/ pituitary axis and below the cerebral cortex plays a substantial role in memory, cognition, attention, emotional stability and sensory integration. It also has a major role in the regulation of the hypothalamic/ pituitary axis which then regulates the whole endocrine (glandular) system on the human body.

The Alzheimer 's disease damages in the hippocampus where it is disintegrated in a smaller degree in normal aging. It has ironically been noted that the hippocampus continues to be damaged with a lifetime of cortisol secretion due to stress. The hippocampus loses its capacity to regulate chronic cortisol levels.

Anything with the capacity to effectively and safely protect the structure, health, function and stability of the hippocampus is viewed as the fundamental promoter of a healthy and vibrant middle and old age.

Sapse in 1984 initially made a list of substances whose role is the protection of our bodies and brains from the side effects of stress that bring about cortisol. The list included:

Phenytoin (Dilantin),  Vitamin C,  Aspirin, Gerovital.

Ross Pelton lists a host of issues and diseases that can be cured and helped by Gerovital in a chapter on Gerovital in his book known as, Mind, food and smart pills. The list included wrinkling skin, senility, stress, poor memory, depression , fatigue, loss of sexual desire, hypertension, heart disease, insomnia, hormonal deficiencies, Alzheimer’s disease and headaches where more than half the list consisted of drugs also listed by Sapse.

Therefore, the skepticism and confusion of many researchers on the simplicity of procaine with respect to its effectiveness as MAOI has the capacity to induce diverse benefits to the mind and body is fully resolved.

The diverse side effects of excess cortisol that is very common in the modern world bring about the claims of Gerovital as being one of the most substantial ant aging supplements available today in addition to being original and legit.


Traditionally, Gerovital is taken in doses of 100mg once or twice a day on an empty stomach. For the people who consider it as too stimulating should take a lesser dose in addition to avoiding it in the afternoon.

With respect to its MAOI effect, the energizing effect of Gerovital may bring about the necessity to stop its use for a while where the protocol for this was an estimated 5 days off for every month.

It is essential to note that Gerovital has the capacity to promote the stimulating effect of other ‘neuroenergizers’ leading to the increase of dopamine activity. These neroenergizers include tyrosine, phenylalanine, hydergine, modafinil, L-dopa and deprenyl (Selegiline). Such cases are to be handled with caution and if necessary consultation of health professional is advised.

The people with a known or suspected allergy to the use of procaine are expected to avoid its use. In addition, individuals with deficiency of cortisol or the ones under prescription of medical cortisol should only utilize Gerovital with care of a health professional.

Individuals under the use of psychiatric drugs like anti-epileptics, tranquilizers and anti-depressants should also be cautious with the use of Gerovital while very much relying on medical advice.

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